
hell [hel]


hell let loose


/ hel; hɛl/ n

[sing](without a or the不与a或the连用) place believed in some religions to be the home of devils and of wicked people after death地狱.

[U, C] state or place of great suffering or wickedness; very unpleasant experience苦痛的境况;受苦受难的地方;极不愉快的经历: suffer hell on earth受人间地狱之苦* She made his life(a) hell.她使他活受罪.* The journey was absolute hell.一路上吃尽了苦头.

[U](infml口)(used as an exclamation of annoyance or surprise or for emphasis用作感叹词,表示恼怒或惊讶,或用以加强语气): Oh hell, I've broken it!啊,真倒霉,我把它弄坏了!* Bloody hell!真该死!* Oh go to hell!见鬼去吧!* Who the hell is he?他究竟是谁?* What the hell(ie It doesn't matter), I can go tomorrow instead.没关系,我可以改在明天去.

hell let loose

(idm习语) a/one hell of a...(also ahelluva/ˈheləvə;ˋhɛləvə/)(sl俚)(a)(used for emphasis用以加强语气): one hell of a row, ie a dreadful row大吵大闹.(b) very非常: It's a hell of a long way.路远极了.* He's a helluva(nice) guy.他是个呱呱叫的(好)人. all `hell broke/was let loose suddenly there was great noise and confusion突然之间闹翻天. beat/knock hell out of sb/sth(infml口) hit sb/sth very hard猛击某人[某物]. a cat in hell's chance=> cat1. for the `hell of it(infml口) just for fun仅为取乐: steal a car for the hell of it为了好玩而偷汽车. give sb `hell(infml口) scold, punish or harass sb申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人: The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通.* This tooth is giving me hell, ie is very painful.我这颗牙很疼. hell for `leather as quickly as possible尽快地: drive, ride, run, etc hell for leather尽快地驾驶、骑、跑等.(come),hell or high `water no matter what the difficulties不管有什麽困难. like a bat out of hell=> bat1. like `hell(a)(infml口)(used for emphasis用以加强语气): drive like hell, ie very fast飞快地驾驶.(b)(sl ironic俚,反语)(used before a clause用於从句前) not at all绝不: `You can pay.' `Like hell I will(ie I certainly will not)!'‘你可以给钱的.’‘我才不给呢! not have a hope in hell=> hope n. play hell with sth/sb(infml口) seriously upset sth/sb给某事物[某人]造成极大麻烦: That curry is playing hell with my insides!我吃了咖喱食物,肚子真不舒服! raise Cain/hell/the roof=> raise. the road to hell is paved with good intentions=> road. see sb(damned) in `hell first(infml口)(used when emphatically rejecting a suggestion用於断然拒绝某项提议时): Lend him money? I'll see him in hell first.把钱借给他?绝对不行. there will be/was `hell to pay(infml口) sb will be/was punished severely某人将受到[受到了]严惩: There'll be hell to pay if we're caught.我们要是被抓住就有罪受了. to hell with sb/sth damn sb/sth某人[某事物]该死: To hell with the lot of you, I'll do what I please!你们全都见鬼去吧,我爱怎麽着就怎麽着!

> hellish adj

1 of or like hell(似)地狱的.

2(infml口) extremely unpleasant极不愉快的: His schooldays were hellish.他的学生时代苦不堪言. adv(infml口) extremely极端地: hellish expensive贵得要命. hellishly adv 1 very badly极恶劣地: be hellishly treated受到极其恶劣的对待. 2(infml口) extremely极端地: a hellishly difficult problem极其困难的问题.

#,hell-`bent adj [pred作表语]~ on sth recklessly determined to do sth不顾一切而要做某事: He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death.他拚命喝酒,似乎连命都不要了.

`hell-cat n spiteful or furious woman恶妇;泼妇.


hell [hel]



/ hel; hɛl/ n

[sing](without a or the不与a或the连用) place believed in some religions to be the home of devils and of wicked people after death地狱.

[U, C] state or place of great suffering or wickedness; very unpleasant experience苦痛的境况;受苦受难的地方;极不愉快的经历: suffer hell on earth受人间地狱之苦* She made his life(a) hell.她使他活受罪.* The journey was absolute hell.一路上吃尽了苦头.

[U](infml口)(used as an exclamation of annoyance or surprise or for emphasis用作感叹词,表示恼怒或惊讶,或用以加强语气): Oh hell, I've broken it!啊,真倒霉,我把它弄坏了!* Bloody hell!真该死!* Oh go to hell!见鬼去吧!* Who the hell is he?他究竟是谁?* What the hell(ie It doesn't matter), I can go tomorrow instead.没关系,我可以改在明天去.

(idm习语) a/one hell of a...(also ahelluva/ˈheləvə;ˋhɛləvə/)(sl俚)(a)(used for emphasis用以加强语气): one hell of a row, ie a dreadful row大吵大闹.(b) very非常: It's a hell of a long way.路远极了.* He's a helluva(nice) guy.他是个呱呱叫的(好)人. all `hell broke/was let loose suddenly there was great noise and confusion突然之间闹翻天. beat/knock hell out of sb/sth(infml口) hit sb/sth very hard猛击某人[某物]. a cat in hell's chance=> cat1. for the `hell of it(infml口) just for fun仅为取乐: steal a car for the hell of it为了好玩而偷汽车. give sb `hell(infml口) scold, punish or harass sb申斥、惩罚或骚扰某人: The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通.* This tooth is giving me hell, ie is very painful.我这颗牙很疼. hell for `leather as quickly as possible尽快地: drive, ride, run, etc hell for leather尽快地驾驶、骑、跑等.(come),hell or high `water no matter what the difficulties不管有什麽困难. like a bat out of hell=> bat1. like `hell(a)(infml口)(used for emphasis用以加强语气): drive like hell, ie very fast飞快地驾驶.(b)(sl ironic俚,反语)(used before a clause用於从句前) not at all绝不: `You can pay.' `Like hell I will(ie I certainly will not)!'‘你可以给钱的.’‘我才不给呢! not have a hope in hell=> hope n. play hell with sth/sb(infml口) seriously upset sth/sb给某事物[某人]造成极大麻烦: That curry is playing hell with my insides!我吃了咖喱食物,肚子真不舒服! raise Cain/hell/the roof=> raise. the road to hell is paved with good intentions=> road. see sb(damned) in `hell first(infml口)(used when emphatically rejecting a suggestion用於断然拒绝某项提议时): Lend him money? I'll see him in hell first.把钱借给他?绝对不行. there will be/was `hell to pay(infml口) sb will be/was punished severely某人将受到[受到了]严惩: There'll be hell to pay if we're caught.我们要是被抓住就有罪受了. to hell with sb/sth damn sb/sth某人[某事物]该死: To hell with the lot of you, I'll do what I please!你们全都见鬼去吧,我爱怎麽着就怎麽着!

> hellish adj

1 of or like hell(似)地狱的.

2(infml口) extremely unpleasant极不愉快的: His schooldays were hellish.他的学生时代苦不堪言. adv(infml口) extremely极端地: hellish expensive贵得要命. hellishly adv 1 very badly极恶劣地: be hellishly treated受到极其恶劣的对待. 2(infml口) extremely极端地: a hellishly difficult problem极其困难的问题.

#,hell-`bent adj [pred作表语]~ on sth recklessly determined to do sth不顾一切而要做某事: He seems hell-bent on drinking himself to death.他拚命喝酒,似乎连命都不要了.

`hell-cat n spiteful or furious woman恶妇;泼妇.

三、如何看待《人间地狱》(hell let lose)中中国玩家Lc 苏拉



人间地狱(Hell Let Loose)由Black Matter Pty Ltd公司开发的一款真实的二战第一人称射击游戏,最多可容纳100名玩家进行开放战斗,玩家们可以体验步兵、坦克、炮兵以及不断演变的前线鏖战。





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